Carlo Malerba

Architect Design Leader

He is a graduate of the Polytechnic University of Turin and a member of the Professional Association of Architects in Turin, Madrid and Paris. From 2002 – 2003, he lectured at the Polytechnic University of Milan and has been Professor at the Master Exhibition from 2007. He is a Member of the Executive Board of ADI – Associazione per il Disegno Industriale – and President of the Piemonte and Valle d’Aosta delegation.

His business venture started in the mid-seventies, specializing in projects for industrial and commercial global brands. He designs trademarks, corporate identity applications manuals and items for company furniture and branding systems. He widened his design research by applying rationale corporate identity to the architecture of industrial and commercial business premises, so the aesthetic appearance of the building effectively communicated corporate identity.

From 1977 onwards he designed retail stores, the first one being the fashion teen-oriented “Yellow Submarine”, which has become an iconic image on the main commercial street in Turin. The name Submarine was chosen to communicate the fact that the store extends “underground”. This project is an example of Malerba’s skill in merging architecture and communication, effectively this retail outlet combines architecture with communication and promotion thereby building a strong image for the business.

In 1985, he scaled up his activities and established Carmadesign, responding to growing business. A melting pot of designers from various fields of expertise, that constitute an interdisciplinary team, in which architecture, graphics, communication, personal experience and know-how all work together to create something that is greater than the sum of its parts.
He designs and supervises architectural projects for international groups in: Italy, Spain, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Brazil and China.
He enjoys taking part in sailing boat racing, loves cycling and dedicates his free time to travelling, painting, papier mâché works and archisculptures.

Cristiano Malerba

Executive Account & Senior Designer

Cristiano becomes part of Carmadesign in 1994. He begins in the world of photography, on fashion sets and in advertising campaigns.

Francesca Malerba


My father always told me that people never truly cease to study, only a few years later i could understand that he was totally right.

Elisa Bigando

Graphic Designer

Passion for graphics is a challenge that conveys emotions: through a line, a color, a shape. It is the ability to make art understandable to all people.

Roberto Guariniello

Graphic Designer

Lover of beauty and curious with everything, Roberto knows that enthusiasm for his own work is the energy to auto-stimulates, essential for the team and for the client.

Fabrizio Morra

Administration Finance

My father used to say that in life you need three things: a good doctor, a lenient priest and a great accountant...

Viviana Alfonso


She takes care of economic relations with suppliers and collaborators with a keen eye on all commercial operations for the growth and well-being of Carmadesign


Representation & Pet Terapy

Eliot bonario e pacioso e Leila vivace e affettuosa, rallegrano le giornate in studio: la quota canina è di ispirazione e di rappresentanza!


A seconda delle tipologie di progetto, Carmadesign si avvale di Partners specialisti in varie discipline a supporto del team.



I nostri progetti non seguono un approccio lineare, “matematico”, ma applichiamo un metodo disgiunto, che potrebbe essere leggermente più complicato da gestire ma ci dà il vantaggio della flessibilità.

Non seguiamo una linea guida rigorosa, in cui ogni elemento è legato a ciò che lo circonda, invece, spostando la nostra attenzione sulle disconnessioni, ogni elemento diventa un’opportunità creativa attraverso un approccio che lo slega dal suo sfondo.

Ogni cliente, progetto e brief, ogni idea è “numero uno”, un singolo elemento che sarà impegnato in modo indipendente, con la cornice di design più appropriata. La somma di questi elementi “numero uno” combina le diverse esperienze e crea un bacino versatile di risorse di design. Questo processo crea nuove discontinuità e questo a sua volta moltiplica i nostri potenziali approcci di design.

Prestiamo molta attenzione ai dettagli e a come si incastrano, quindi distinguendo e integrando i diversi elementi, personalizziamo l’approccio per ogni singolo progetto che intraprendiamo.


Our projects don’t follow a linear, “mathematical” approach, instead we apply a disjointed method, which might be slightly more complicated to manage but gives us the advantage of flexibility.

We don’t follow a rigorous guideline, in which every element is bound to its surroundings, instead, shifting our focus on disconnections, every element becomes a creative opportunity through an approach that disjoins it from its backdrop.

Each and every client, project and brief, and idea becomes a “number one” priority, a single element that will be engaged independently, with the most appropriate design stream. The sum of these “number one” elements combines the different experiences and creates a versatile design resource pool. This process creates a discontinuity that multiplies our potential design approaches.

We take great care in the details and how they fit together, therefore by distinguishing and integrating the different elements, we tailor the approach for every single project we undertake.


Torino, città magica, è la fonte primaria del nostro background culturale e di ispirazione, un’influenza fondamentale e inerente al nostro lavoro.

Nel 1563 Torino diventa capitale del Ducato di Savoia, questo è un periodo in cui la città inizia a crescere e subisce un significativo sviluppo urbanistico.

Nei secoli successivi, Torino vive un periodo di fiorente sviluppo architettonico, acquisisce i metodi di produzione di precisione essenziali per il grandioso stile barocco. Grandi nomi come Guarino Guarini e Filippo Juvarra vivono qui il loro periodo di attività più intenso. La progettazione delle strutture, lo studio dei materiali da costruzione, l’attenzione agli accostamenti cromatici, concorrono a creare uno stile radicato, elegante e raffinato che diventa uno dei tratti distintivi della città.

Nel 1861 Torino diventa la prima capitale del Regno d’Italia.

Nei primi anni del 1900 Torino diventa una capitale industriale con la fondazione della FIAT. Un’azienda che, negli anni successivi, diventerà la più grande azienda industriale privata d’Italia.

Torino, come un teatro, accoglie e abbraccia storia e innovazione, passione e rigore, cultura e sperimentazione, identità locale e italianità.

Le Alpi, il paesaggio mozzafiato e rassicurante della città, attirano lo sguardo in una prospettiva più ampia. Se ci si trova in cima alla Mole Antonelliana, l’edificio in mattoni più alto d’Europa per molto tempo, e testimonianza del genio e della capacità dell’uomo di superare gli ostacoli, si può sentire il desiderio di volare, dimenticando che nulla è reale se non lo si costruisce.

Turin, a magical city, is the primary source of our cultural background and inspiration, a fundamental and inherent influence on our work.

In 1563 it becomes the capital of the Duchy of Savoy, and enters in a period in where the city starts growing and faces a significant urban development.

In the following centuries, Turin experiences a period of thriving architectural development, it acquires the precision production methods essential to the grandiose Baroque style. Great names like Guarino Guarini and Filippo Juvarra live their most intense period of activity here. The designing of structures, the study of construction materials, the attention paid to chromatic combinations, all cooperate to create a deeply rooted, elegant and refined style that becomes one of the city’s distinguishing features.


In 1861 Turin becomes the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy. Becoming in the early 1900s an industrial capital with the founding of FIAT. A company that, in the following years, will become the largest privately owned industrial company in Italy.

Turin, like a theatre, welcomes and embraces history and innovation, passion and rigor, culture and experimentation, local identity and Italianism.

The Alps, the breathtaking and reassuring landscape of the city, draw the eye into a wider perspective. If you stand atop of the Mole Antonelliana, the tallest brick building in Europe for a long time, and testament to man’s genius and ability to overcome obstacles, you may feel the desire to fly, forgetting that nothing is real if we do not build it.

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